Monday, June 26, 2017


So...I’m turning 30. What started as just a random post to indicate I had 30 days until I turned 30, turned into me thinking about everything I’ve gone through and the biggest lessons I’ve learned in my 30 years of life.
  1. Life is perspective. Solidify your own, and stop living through everyone else's...
  2. At no point is any other person required to truly give a damn about you...that's your job
  3. Not everyone is bad. Pay attention and understand that we are all flawed. Some more intentionally than others...
  4. Love is a decision people make and therefore not something that can hurt you. People however...
  5. You need to heal. Not just survive. Survival does not equal peace...only temporary safety. The reflection of your past may not be pretty, but in it there is tranquility.
  6. Not everyone is searching for true logic. Their own misconceptions are fine for them. Understand this, and move on.
  7. Let people's actions change how you treat them, not who you are. Defrost!
  8. People will project their own insecurities/guilt/downfalls on to you. Hand them a mirror and walk away.
  9. Don’t let what you want to do, keep you from doing what you want to do.
  11. The strength to stand and the strength to walk aren't the same. But you can and have done both...KMF
  12. Everyone is replaceable. It isn't about what the person/place/thing is replaced with, it's simple the fact that it can be replaced. Stop trying to get others to understand this. Most won't. And don't take it personal...
  13. Give positive energy... just make sure to keep some stored for yourself.
  14. You're not as strong as you think, but you're stronger than you are.
  15. Forgiving someone doesn't mean that you excuse their actions. It doesn't mean that you took the situation the wrong way. It doesn't mean that, depending on the situation, you don't put them in jail, or break up with them, etc. It just means, you don't allow the negativity from that situation to completely take over your life and pull you down. It means choosing to not be miserable about it. People deal with things, and spend the rest of their life complaining about it and harping on it until it consumes their mental, physical and spiritual existence. You walk up to them, and the aura is tainted by it... it's all they talk about and reference and you feel the anger coming from them like the situation JUST happened to them all over again. How is that healthy? Forgiveness means freeing yourself...taking back your power. Heck, you can forgive and testify against them...
16. People will ignore what you want to do if it doesn't benefit them. Do it anyway.
17. Not everyone will apologize, and even less will actually mean it IF they do it. You can move on...
18. Trusting your gut doesn't make you mean... It means you're connected. Always listen, it's yet to steer you wrong.
19. The most honest & noble of us too often allow ourselves to cuddle with the off spring of deceit. Time to get up!
20. "You are blessed to be a blessing, and are a blessing because you're blessed"
21. You're at your best when centered & observant. Keep all eyes open. Listen more than you speak.
22. Be as blunt with yourself as you are with others. There is no growth in continuous equilibrium...
23. "The word was with God and the word was God"... The power you possess is very real! Be aware and be careful...
24. So...You’re kind of a big deal! You are the anomaly they read about. Not perfect, but pretty dang awesome! Enjoy the confidence and wear your crown WITHOUT APOLOGY. Even if it makes others uncomfortable, love who you are Queen! You’re beautiful...
25. People will always look at you a certain way, most times contradictory to who you actually are. Live for you.
26. It chipped you, cracked you, bent you, but obviously didnt break you No sense crying over spilled milk, it's already on the floor. Accept, learn, and KMF.
27.Be wise enough to dine with Judas, just don't let him cook. Know more than just your enemies name...
28. Sacrifice does not equal Sabotage! You're worth more. Remember that, and move on.
29. There's a difference between not giving up and settling for less...
30. Stop apologizing for being yourself. Embrace it and the journey that you're on. More greatness is coming... 
Birthday Bonus Lesson-Admit all that you could be, positive or negative, but focus on who you want to be...

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